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Flat Face Target Contact for Spring-Loaded Pins
Mounting Style: Press-Fit into a Non-Plated Through Hole (NPTH) or Insulator into a .040" (1,016mm) hole
Wire Termination: Soldercup up to 26 AWG
Tail Style: .035" (0,889mm) diameter Soldercup
Flat Face Target Contact for Spring-Loaded Pins
Mounting Style: Press-Fit into a Non-Plated Through Hole (NPTH) or Insulator into a .057" (1,448mm) hole
Wire Termination: Soldercup up to 22 AWG
Tail Style: .054" (1,372mm) diameter Soldercup
Flat Face Target Contact for Spring-Loaded Pins
Mounting Style: Press-Fit into a Non-Plated Through Hole (NPTH) or Insulator into a .061" (1,549mm) hole
Wire Termination: Solder 24-28 AWG
Tail Style: diameter No Tail
Flat Face Target Contact for Spring-Loaded Pins
Mounting Style: Press-Fit into a Non-Plated Through Hole (NPTH) or Insulator into a .056" (1,422mm) hole
Wire Termination: Crimp 24-28 AWG
Tail Style: diameter No Tail
Flat Face Target Contact for Spring-Loaded Pins
Mounting Style: Press-Fit into a Non-Plated Through Hole (NPTH) or Insulator into a .056" (1,422mm) hole
Wire Termination: Soldercup up to 22 AWG
Tail Style: .053" (1,346mm) diameter Soldercup
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